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Geobiology / Building Biology

Building Biology is an instrument that seeks to minimize the negative impact of the environmental disturbances on health in order to preserve it.

Also called Geobiology, it is the study « logos » of the impact of the earth « geos » on life « bios ». Its objective is the study of the impact of earth radiation on life, since prolonged and repetitive exposure to these factors in the natural environment has harmful effects on health. Geobiology contributes significantly, along with Bioelectricity, Bioconstruction and other related disciplines, to the study of Environmental Health in a broader sense.

Our health also depends on where we live Since its creation, our planet has been a place of exchange and movement, and, on its surface, we are subject to the influence of radiation coming from the cosmos as well as from its interior. To these geological phenomena of natural origin, electromagnetic disturbances of artificial origin are added every day with an increasing rate. From the perspective of bioenergetic medicine, for example through Bioresonance, we can confirm the imprint left by both phenomena on the vital energy fields of living beings. .

The energetic and physical balance of the person exposed to these phenomena suffers a disturbance proportional to the degree of sensitivity of his/her biological ground. Hence, these aspects are added to other factors that trigger or cause alterations in our body such as environmental toxicity levels, family history, eating habits, etc. The alterations produced can result in insomnia, migraines, fatigue, concentration or memory problems, depression, localized pain, urinary incontinence, fertility problems and many more. It is essential to immediately seek neutral or risk-free locations; this should be always done but especially when we are dealing with individuals with health problems related to or worsened by these causes. The change into a safe environment will slow down the degenerative processes and allow for the gradual recovery from the impact of these phenomena upon health. (See: “Alain de Luzan, Votre santé en lieu sûr, Paris, Le courrier du libre, 2008”)

Filtered by the atmosphere, a constant bombardment of radiation reaches us from space. From the earth we receive radiation arising from the decay of radioactive materials in the soil. Simultaneously, at the centre of the earth a 2,440-km-wide solid metallic inner core rotates around its axis surrounded by a 2,240-km-thick liquid outer core. The friction effect of one against the other is similar to that of a dynamo, generating an electromagnetic field that is the origin of the networks studied in Geobiology.

Like a more or less closed mesh covering the entire surface of the globe, these natural networks have been the subject of a large number of scientific experiments. When so perfected, our sensitivity can detect those structures that affect our neurovegetative balance, our endocrine system or our immunologic defences. Which are then the relevant factors that we should detect?

Additionally, phenomena of human origin are omnipresent in our environment and equally harmful to our health and well-being. On one hand there is electrical and magnetic pollution, arising from domestic electricity or high voltage power lines (50Hz) or electrified railways. On the other, we have “electrosmog” or high-frequency electromagnetic pollution>(>0.1 GHz), where mobile phones and their antennas within different emission spectra, UMTS, 3G, 4G, LTE and 5G…), Wi-Fi and wireless phone charging and decking stations emissions, satellite transmissions, radar and other technologies can be found. In most cases, they are not easily perceptible by our senses, although we do notice their effects and can quantify their incidence. A growing part of the population, however, is developing a greater degree of sensitivity to these phenomena which significantly reduces their quality of life.

The Building Biology study is carried out by an on-site assessment and then representing on a scale plan the pathogenic areas from a house, office or plot of land. Please note that these areas should be avoided and can only be neutralized to a very limited extent. It is a matter of highlighting on a plan the areas that do not favour health in order to “avoid potential future changes as the most sustainable method”. The motto must be, as always, prevention!

The building biologist detects disturbances and can recommend actions to reduce their impact, like moving a bed a few centimetres, getting rid of a radio alarm clock or correcting an electrical installation. Sometimes, however, the solutions are not so easy or are even impossible. Usually, one works in a 1/20-scale in houses and 1/50- or more in the case of a plot of land. We start with an analysis of the urban environment, paying attention to high voltage lines, electric transformation facilities or mobile phone antennas located at a distance below the safety limits. We proceed with an analysis of the building, its structure and construction characteristics, the existing facilities and the location of relevant sources (switchboards for example). Regarding geobiology we must consider geophysical changes (underground water currents, rifts, most relevant global networks in terms of health) and geomagnetic alterations (assessment of the variability of the Earth geomagnetic field with the help of a geo-magnetometer). In what concerns Bioelectricity, resistivity of the grounding connection has to be measured, as well as the values ​​of low frequency (50Hz) electric and magnetic fields in each room and at the headboards of beds as particularly sensitive areas, as well as the high frequency electromagnetic fields due to telecommunications networks> (> 1 GHz). Depending on the area, it may also be interesting to measure accumulated radon levels, radioactivity levels, air quality, environmental noise levels or lighting quality and propose adequate solutions for each of those situations.

Let us remind you that any given information, suggestion or advice for health problem solving on this entry is apart from a professional heatlh consultation