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Training and Workshops


In Geobionatura we are specialized in different Naturopathy techniques, including Bioresonance or Biofeedback, in nutrition and nutritherapy, in environmental health, building biology and how to reduce the impact of natural and artificial electromagnetic pollution in our environment as well as in the physical-vascular technique of microcirculation Bemer. Techniques that we apply in our practice and for which we have state-of-the-art technology that we also distribute in Spain and Portugal, providing training to our healthcare professionals, veterinarians, professionals from other fields and home users. These areas are our passion and we will be publishing new contents here and also those that you send us and that fit into these topics. We invite you to participate!


We are concious about the importance of microcirculation in our health Somos distribuidores de la técnica físico-vascular Bemer® de microcirculación y la aplicamos con nuestros pacientes en el tratamiento, en la profilaxis, en la mejora de la respuesta física y mental y en la práctica deportiva.

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Bioresonance is an energetic technique that consists of using electromagnetic waves of a similar nature to physiological waves to analyze the state of health of the patient, search for the causes of the disturbance and harmonize where there are alterations. Today, its scope of application is very wide both in the human and the veterinary fields.

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Nowadays, Naturopathy can successfully complement the action of medical treatment, contribute significantly to the resolution of problems in primary healthcare and definitely plays a relevant role in the promotion of health.

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Geobiology / Building Biology

Also called Geobiology, it is the study « logos » of the impact of the earth « geos » on life « bios ». Its objective is the study of the impact of earth radiation on life, since prolonged and repetitive exposure to these factors in the natural environment has harmful effects on health.

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